Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Atman-Brahman in Ancient Buddhism .pdf download by Kamaleswar Bhattacharya

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The thesis of this book is epoch-making. While no one doubts that the Buddha denied the tman, the self, the question is: Which tman? Buddhism, as understood in the modern era, has taken this to be the universal tman taught in the Hindu Upani ads, equivalent to brahman. What we find in the Buddha's words as recorded in the Buddhist scriptures, however, is only a denial of any permanent self in the ever-changing aggregates that form a person. In decades of teaching, the Buddha had many opportunities to clearly deny the.
Kamaleswar Bhattacharya ebooks downloads
The Atman-Brahman in Ancient Buddhism by Kamaleswar Bhattacharya ebook pdf epub mobi
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